Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Now that homework is over...i need to talk bout some other stuff..like woody has suggested we make the password and username open to all, so that everyone can post...would tt be ok with u all? This is to prevent anyone from misusing the site...I need u to put ur names after each post...any anonymous posts will be deleted immediately...and pls exercise caution and type...u noe...NOT private stuff...kk...i will make known the pass on wed (tomorrow) then...

As for the funding for CIP... thanks to all that helped in cooking...esp nic for lending e oven :) And all the non-dosmestic men who helped out...Joe, Nic, Jia Hao(i dun noe if ur domestic...but u came a little late) and the domestic guy...CK and the gurls...Yingxu, Char(big chef), Mich and Su Lwin...THANKS! ah... and so far wats confirmed is tt we will cook shep pie for weeks before vday and make brownies and cheese tart(tentative) on v day...hopefully can earn ennuf...yup

Ok tt is all

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