Monday, January 29, 2007

Homework for 29 Jan

1. Econ's Workbook pg 10 and 11
2. Maths Vectors - pass up tut 1
3. Study for Maths test on Fri

Su Lwin

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Oh...and each house needs to bake about 33 pies per day...the big kind...will tell you the specific no. at school...and so the people for that day will meet and make about 33 pies and bring to school the next day (bring all e 33 pies so tt u dun need to use your fridge) and the people who dun make will have to sell...the recepie i will post up soon...once i get the quantity rite...

As for the people selling...i need all of u to sell for 2 days for 2 shifts (break and lunch) from mon to fri so can you decide first which day is available for u then tell me on tomorrow??and i would need 4 people selling per day...Oh and so that all of us can have equal hours, those who dun make need to bake the brownies the next week (12th to about 14th Feb??) for the brownies, we need to see the profit we make from the pies before deciding how many to sell.... And similarily, those who bake shep pie will have to sell the its fair

Those who need to bake brownies are:
Ming en
Chok Kee

Yup...i think tt is about it....i m so sorry if u dun understand what i m talking about but its the best i could do for the time being :P Thanks


Baking of Sheperds Pie

Hey...I m so so sorry but there has been quite a few changes to the alot of it is not confirmed...but so far TENTATIVELY... we are selling on the 5th to the 9 th feb (shep pie) and these are the people baking...

4th Feb (Sun)
Steffi (house)
Su lwin

5th Feb (Mon)
Deyao (house)

6th Feb (Tue)
Nic (house)

7th Feb (Wed)
Steffi (house)

8th Feb (Thur)
Zi Jiang (house)

Would all these dates be ok for you?? If not, please message me at 97730089...ok?


P.s. i need people who can bring an oven or toaster to school in that week...does anyone have one?? if can bring can messgae me too? Thanks!!

P.s. Yingxu: Please bring the alcohol tut and lecture test tomorrow

Thursday, January 25, 2007


tml bring 2 bucks for econs...!!!
tml last day of week le..
Mwahahahaha! I finally found theyao's blog!Mwahahahaha...thanks to charissa...i still find it amazing that char can find...i tried so many times...prob cos she use yahoo and i only search blogger.hahaha...hahaha during gp class...hahahaha...i have linked it! Take that theyao! ahahahaha...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Home work...
1. Skill B SPA Tomorrow
2. Pass up Vector TUT on Mon
3. Econ: Do teh annotation for the econ and worksheet(by mon)

P.s. Remeber to bring long ruler and calculator....All the best...

When Superheros Get retrenched

Hey...i found this email and its titled when superheros get retrenched...hahaha...some i dun really wats with the hulk being religious...i never watched the show so i dun noe....there is another set...but i have to put it on another post...hahaha...steff

Tuesday, January 23, 2007



heyz... wat domestic guy... rghhh....
cant a guy noe how to cook .. haha...
anw.. toking abt food
my mum and i are making pineapple tarts.. but i tink we cant sell them for fundrasing pa~~
anw. for ppl from shooting club hu ate it.. including mr tiew.. it is nice.
haha... gd things come with a price .. 15 bucks for 50..
tt is the price my mum set.. but if enugh ppl buy ~ maybe wil cheaper...
ask ur parents pa.. new year coming.. any1 wans pineapple tarts...
if ur wan to try try 1st tell me.. then i bring to class.. hehe..

Now that homework is over...i need to talk bout some other woody has suggested we make the password and username open to all, so that everyone can post...would tt be ok with u all? This is to prevent anyone from misusing the site...I need u to put ur names after each post...any anonymous posts will be deleted immediately...and pls exercise caution and type...u noe...NOT private stuff...kk...i will make known the pass on wed (tomorrow) then...

As for the funding for CIP... thanks to all that helped in cooking...esp nic for lending e oven :) And all the non-dosmestic men who helped out...Joe, Nic, Jia Hao(i dun noe if ur domestic...but u came a little late) and the domestic guy...CK and the gurls...Yingxu, Char(big chef), Mich and Su Lwin...THANKS! ah... and so far wats confirmed is tt we will cook shep pie for weeks before vday and make brownies and cheese tart(tentative) on v day...hopefully can earn ennuf...yup

Ok tt is all

Homework 23 Jan 2007

Hey!!! Homework time from the librarian of e mug mug club...kidding la... actually there is not much hw...just old ones:
1. Econ -- Hol HW and Pg 10 of pink book (also do the DRQ)
2. Maths fin vector tut
3. Phy -- fin the induction tut
4. Chem -- so far none but if those muggers out there want hw then can do e phenol tut

Hahah that is all...

Monday, January 22, 2007


Homework for 22 Jan

1)Electromagnetic Induction tutorial
2)Fill up the chem skill A notes : Products & Observations
3)Vectors tutorial
4)Econs DRQ & pg10 of booklet (by Wed)

*Pay $5 to Nicholas as class fund

Friday, January 19, 2007

An interesting quiz

The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington Chemistry mid-term.

The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well.

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools
when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant.

One student, however, wrote the following:

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will never leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving.

As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that
exist in the world today. Most of these religions state that if you are not a member
of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these
religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell.

With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in
Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls
are added.

This gives two possibilities:

1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.

2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa, (Cheerleader Captain and Class
Valedictorian) during my Freshman year that, "it will be a cold day in Hell before
I sleep with you", and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night and again this morning, then number 2 must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over.

The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct...leaving only Heaven, and
thereby proving the existence of a divine being, which explains why Teresa kept shouting "Oh my God!!!"

Ok i noe this is damn lame...BUT as librarian of the mug mug club...i should do something...hahahaha... catch u pple on mon!!

In 1989 (the year you were born)

George H.W. Bush becomes president of the US

The largest oil spill in US history occurs after the Exxon Valdez strikes Blight Reef in Alaska's Prince William sound

In Liverpool, England a soccer stadium barrier collapses killing 94 people

Hurricane Hugo causes 71 deaths and $4.2 billion in damage

A massave earthquake hits the San Francisco Bay area minutes before the World Series between the Giants and A's

The Berlin Wall comes down, symbolically ending the Cold War

Serial killer Ted Bundy is executed in Florida's electric chair

Ayatollah Khomeini places a three-million-US dollar bounty for the death of author Salman Rushdie

Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor is arrested in Beverly Hills, California after slapping a motorcycle police officer

Nintendo released its popular handheld video game player, Game Boy

Oakland Athletics win the World Series

San Francisco 49ers win Superbowl XXIII

Calgary Flames win the Stanley Cup

Batman is the top grossing film

"Look Away" by Chicago spends the most time at the top of the US charts

Talk show host, Geraldo Rivera's nose is broken during a taping of his show, when a fight erupts on the set between guests

The Arsenio Hall Show and The Simpsons premiere

Dragonball Z premieres on Japanese television
Hello weekend!!!!

- Econs: Q3 essay outline and NExt two pages Drq( DRQ need to pass up to ms Heng)
- Maths: Fin the BMQ and do Tutorial 1 to 3...
- Chem: Do the Halogen compound Tut
- Phy: Do electro magnetsm Tut!!

Eh...and anyone have any idea what to put for non-homework posts?? cos i have no idea wat to put...Help


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hey! I m so sorry this is a little late... but Su Lwin says to pass up the cca records tomorrow...sorry...i noe its late... Try to pass up la... Thanks!


tml~~~ hand in phy tutorial till electromagnetism and oso the internet wksht... good luck

week is almost done~~!!


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This is the timetable for Gp exams
- Commont Test 1
1st March 2007 (Thur)
- Common Test 2
25th June 2007 (Mon)
- Prelim
30th August 2007 (Thur)

This is the site for opposing viewpoints Resource Centre

Oh and btw i dun think there is additional hw for today...just the same as yesterday...
YUp thanks,

Reminder for what to bring for Econs

1) Revision Lecture Notes
2) Econs JC2 Workbook (pink booklet): Essay Question 1
3) Work that miss lee gave us last year

Instructions on how to get econs notes from KM

For those who don't know how to get the econs notes on essay writing skills from KM, here's the instruction.

Log on to KM > student centre > mainstream subjects > Economics > H1 and H2 lecture notes and powerpoint slides > 2006_2007 > H1 syllabus(8816) > Economics higher 1(8816)-Revision Lecture(Essay Writing Skills)-Lect1

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

16 Jan 07 Homework

Maths:Finish up C&R Tutorial
Chem: Do Chem prac(by tmr),halogenoalkane tutorial,prepare for Quick Quiz
Phy: Finish up electromagnetism, start on electromagnetic induction(if you can)

Note: Venue for the make-up econs lesson on Thursday will not be at TA28,it will be at the meeting room at the extreme right hand corner of the library.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Hey! kk this is damn lame... but its fun...esp if u have nothing to do...Hahaha...i m so so sorry for this lameness... but whatever....Hahaha

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question. Once or twice does not really matter
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag your friends!
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.


1)How are you feeling today?
2)How do your friends see you?
3)Will you get married?
4) What's your best friend theme song?
5) What was your primary school like?
6)What is in store for this week?
7) What song describes you?
8) To describe your grandparents?
9) How is your life going?
10)What song will they play at your funeral?
11) How does the world see you?
12) Will you have a happy life?
13) What do your friends really think of you?
14) Do people secretly lust after you?
15) How can I make myself happy?
16) What should you do with your life?
17) Will you ever have children?


P.S. i will post ur pics another day Woody! I noe e class will like it....
Yo s05!! KK today have loads of stuff
1. annoucements:
- Maths Lecture test!!Yikes.
There will be a lecture test on 2nd February.
The following topics are to be tested on:
1) Correlation and Regression
2) Integration
3) Differential Equations

- Maths hol homeowrk ans are already up on KM!
(Mainstream Subjects > Mathematics > H2 Maths > 2006_2007 cohort > Revision Resources > 2006 Promotional Examination...THIS IS HOW TO GET THERE)
- Econ lesson has been changed to thur NOT wed!!

2. Homework:
- Do CAAL stuff!!! by this fri
- Do chem halogen compound tut
- correlation and regression worksheet
- phy do til electromagnetic induction (but if u dun want to do also ok...not so rush)
- Pass up ur photo stuff for e class deco!!!

Yup i think tt is all... thanks....

Sunday, January 14, 2007


For tomorrow and wed econ lesson please bring the (1)essay skills booklet, (2) lecture slides from last years revision lecture on essay skills and (3)all other essay skills stuff that have been given.


Friday, January 12, 2007

Weekend hw

Over this weekend, despite having time for some relaxation, please complete the following:
1. Electromagnetic tutorial(might be going through on tuesday)
2. Finish the econs essay(due on monday)
3. Complete physics practical worksheet(new)
4. I believe there is an arenes QQ(quick quiz by Mr Low) this week. Go through the notes and remember as much as you can.

Cheers, cityman

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Not much Homeowrk!!!

Hi people! Today not much hw...Luckily! Only Phy can do the tutorial till the end of electromagnetism(still not very rush). But here are some REMINDERS!!:
1. Do the class name thingy the photo one...
2. Do the chem prac worksheet
3. Thos who did not do ARENES BETTER DO!
yup that's all....Thanks


Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Homework for 10/1/07 (cont.)

Paiseh.. forgot to add maths homework
Maths: Do correlation and regression tutorial by next week

List of moderators up

Finally the list of moderators has been set up and can be viewed under profile. Remember the days that you have been assigned and do not forget to update daily unless there are no new developments.


Homework for 10/1/07 (Wednesday)

Chem: Arenes Tutorial (For those who haven't finish), chem prac assignment
Econs: Pink Booklet Pg 5 and Pg 6 Qn 1(outline of essay), Read the newspaper article

Reminder: Update your portfolio by next friday.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Announcements and Homework (8th Jan 2007)

- Econs: The New Pink Book Pages 2,3 and 4 (better do asap)
- Phy: Do the Tutorial till Electromagnetism D4
(but i think the physics homework not so rush bah...)

-Please note that PE and econs tutorial will be exchanged for every mon form now on
-PE as planned tomorrow!

For Civics on Mon

Hi! Courtesy of theyao: Please remember to bring a photo of yourselves for civics! Btw a almost recent photo where u can still be recognised...

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Rules and Regulations

Please take note of the following:

1. This blog is indeed for everyone to share their opinions and thoughts but take into consideration that others might be reading the blog too eg. teachers, outsiders, (principal?), and of course, our own classmates as well.

2. Strictly NO profanities of any sort.

3. No fake information circulation to scare people out of their wits eg. there's a test TOMORROW.

4. Class commitee members wanting to post something on the board such as collection of money please inform moderators whose names would be announced later.

RnR created by cityman(latest as of 06-01-2007)

Physics Tests in a Nutshell

These are all e test we will have:
1. Mechanics test
2. Topical Quiz 1: Thermal Physics
3. Topical Quiz 2: QUantum and Nuclear Physics
4. Common Test 1 in Week 9,Term 1(after Chinese New Year)
5. Common Test 2 in Week 1,Term 3
6. Prelim in Week 1,Term 4

And for SPA:
- Skill B:Term 1,Week 4
- Skill D:Term 2,Week 1
- Skill A:Term 2,Week 7

Syllabus will FINISH in MAY

Comon Test Topics

Hi again. I was not sure that everyone took this down so I just thought that maybe I should put this down:

Maths Common Test Topics:
1. Correlation and Regression
2. Intergration (Techniques and Applications)
3. Graphing Techniques/Conics/Transformations
4. Differential Equations
5. Maclaurin's Series/ Small Angle Approximatioons
6. Vectors
7. Complex Numbers

Chem Common Test: 5th March 2007 8.00am
1. All of Organic Chemistry

Physics Common Test:
1. All Topics learnt

Econ Common Test: 5th March 2007 2.00pm
1. Chapter 3, 4,5


I Finally Did It!!!

Hahah...After two nights I fianlly got e blog was kind of a rush so I noe its really bad...Sorry! But I will pass all of you the username and password on mon so you can all change it as you please...But note 1 thing: DO NOT CHANGE TO E NEW VERSION OF BLOGGER! cos they have a different end tag for the template so alot of blogskins can't be used...seriously. And everyone can post anything they like up here like gossip, announcements, outings and *cough cough* homework. Hahah. I noe the blogskin may not be to everyone's liking so if u can find any blogsin tt suits your fancy just change...actually i found a few blogskins so tell me which one u like are e choices:

(which is the one i put up on this blog)
(this one is really colourful and e design is nice...too bad e name does not suit...its called beautiful disaster by e way)
(this one is nice...but a bit too gloomy)

Oh and big thanks to Isaac, Christine, Woody, Joe and Nic for all e help!!!


Friday, January 05, 2007

Testing testing..ONE..TWO..THREE!:D