Saturday, April 28, 2007
KM>Student centre> (scroll down under COLLABORATION) Competition> cultural mapping > vote on the right panel.
hello all. Besides voting for the photos thingy, please take some time to view the following blog templates and vote for the one you think is suitable for a class blog.
Why do we have to change our current blogskin? well, steffi said some do not like the navigations and prefer tagboard, links and entries all in one page. So me and steffi have found several suitable ones. if you have any suggestion or other options, pls tell us.
tell us which one you like by leaving tags on the tagboard. Based on the voting results, i'll change the template by the end of next week(4th may). Thanks!
In addition, go KM>>class server, and attempt the CIP quiz. there'll be attractive prizes for the class which got the most correct answers as well as individual prizes.
Here are the answers from Michelle:
- B
- D
- D
- B
- A
- C
- C
- C
- C
- B
- D
- D
- A
- A
- A
- C
- D
- C
- B
- C
YEPS, this quiz won't take a few mins. So complete it by 11th may!
- Charissa
Friday, April 27, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Then Su lwin has gone for ANGKLUNG SYF! Su lwin, must bring back Gold W Honour too kays?
Hahaha...the class seems to like scandals huh? Hahaha....ESP NIC!! ha... so far there r the scandals (i think):
1. Yu Ting n Chien Wei (haiz...these 2 like ready for wedding le...hahaha...dun kill me)
2. Chu Ling and ME (hahaha in my opnion this i s e cutest pair!! hahaha mr. and mrs. Smith...cos partners in crime mah!!)
3. Ji wei and Jasmine (JI!! careful of JACK!!)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
- P n C
- Probability (Hmmm...what the probability that i fail maths again this time? 1?)
- Bionomial/ Poisson Distribution
- Normal Distribution
- Complex No.
- Vectors (why am i not surprised)
- Integration
- Tranformation of graph
- Diff eqn
- Math Induction
- Function (the topic on domain, range and all that)
- Tangent/ Normal (The one about differentiation or intergration
All the best peeps!!!
- P n C
- Probability (Hmmm...what the probability that i fail maths again this time? 1?)
- Bionomial/ Poisson Distribution
- Normal Distribution
- Complex No.
- Vectors (why am i not surprised)
- Integration
- Tranformation of graph
- Diff eqn
- Math Induction
- Function (the topic on domain, range and all that)
- Tangent/ Normal (The one about differentiation or intergration
All the best peeps!!!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
For the pull up is was realy slack. I LOVE THE PEOPLE FROM SPORTS COUNCIL!!! THEY ROCK!! like as long as u make an EFFORT but nevver reach the bar they already count it as 1...which is prob why i passed...hahaha...
Congrats to our class!!! I THINK ALL OF US PASSED NAPFA!!!(ying xu and char jia you kay??)
Friday, April 20, 2007
1st scandal: Chu Ling and Ming En(ME)

sorry, the video size of strings ensemble is too large. damn slow to upload to my photobucket. like 10mins - 1%. anyway, the sound is too soft. Live show rocks la.
2nd scandal: Yuting and chien wei... erms, with mr tan in between?

Oh den during GP, ms ong let us off earlier so that she can go see the string ensemble practise. Hahaha...then we saw MING EN in action!!!!ahahaha...he was like walking from one end of the area to the other hahahaha...ME...don't kill me kay? we even took a video of him...but all of us (aka Xue yuan, ji, me and char) agree that he is good at double base...ME! must bring home a gold w honour kay?? Hahaha...then during his break he walk up to us and gave us like LOADS AND LOADS OF CASH!!! hahaha it was for the a level la butit was funny how he passed the money to us... he was like " how much is it arh? Huh? not enough arh? Oh ok...nah...take some more... this should b enuf rite?" kid...hahahah kidding kidding...dino dun kill me kay?
Then during break the GP SLACKERS (aka xue, ji, char and me) we obviously the 1st one to reach the canteen and char expressed her love for ENG CHIEW and know xue yuan is asking almost everyone who this new boyfriend is....keep guessing xue yuan!! You will meet him one day... Then we say the pic of char on her ez-link...bah!!! chao funny!!! char no ofense la...but even MR Tsang was like laughing....but its not char's fault la "the photographer enlarged the picture in a inproportionate way" (in char's words)...hahahah....still can't stop laughing when i think about it
Right...tomorrow is like jia you peeps!! y'all can do it!!! (except me ... but i'll try my best too)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
For PW!!! The class did really well cos there are actually a no. of classes that did not have a single A and our class has like half the people scoring As... to the people who did not get it from our ok la...alot of pple say its not that impt dun be upset kay?? Yeah...i noe this congrats is like..SLOW but i had no time...
Oh and special congrats to Deyao, char, xueyuan, ji, aaron groups cos they ALL got A...congrats!!
And for the Gurls 2.4 Km run!! congrats too....even i got a C...hahah *blush* i noe to a lot of pple out there its nothing to be proud of but i m really damn happy about it! I think i speak for all the gurls to say thanks to e guys...WE COULD NOT HAVE DUN IT WITHOUT U GUYS!! it was really sweet la... To the gurls (not from CO) and the guys, all the best for this sat!! I noe y'all can do itz! I m praying hard for myself though...dun think i'll pass...HA...die...
As for char and yingxu whu will be retaking DUN WORRY! hahaha i will be retaking with u...i hope not...But i really hope that the both of u will get well soon...Char (aka ms pai ka) hope ur ankle gets better, well at least u stop wearin the 'aunty' sandals...hahaha...KIDDING!
Hmmm....OKAY this is like really really really lagging... but guys, congrats for winning the 'touchme' competition....Yeah...i noe.... i lag.... but better said then never?
Oh and pple remeber to pass the pictures for the NE to mich by Fri kay? gurls jia you w the iteneary!! i noe it will be nice!! oh and i m sure the pictures will be nice to *smiles*
Right...and do remember that there will be a chem test next for it yeah? And yes i m also dying from all e tests....but what to do?
I guess that is all...chiao then!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
i can't mug.
so come and ka jiao class blog.
=( so scared because PW results are coming out in less than 24 hours time.
AHHH!! bet everyone feeling scared now. =X
jia you, guys and girls! hopefully all of us can get Band 1 together!
special message for NJ056:
we WILL get Band 1 cos we rawk! (:
to everyone: Good luck tmr!!!
charissa =D